Zi Wei Dou Shu is a Chinese Astrology tool with a thousand years of history, it constructs your destiny chart by inputting your date and time of birth.
Your Zi Wei Dou Shu destiny chart has been quietly directing your life, without you knowing about it.
Your character shapes your destiny and determines your success, it is the utmost important factor to determine whether you can achieve the wealth, freedom and Joy you desire. Zi Wei Dou Shu chart plays a role in reviewing your character, and help you to understand how you can do your best to ensure what is within your control has a POSITIVE impact to your life.
Investing Destiny focuses on studying Zi Wei Dou Shu Destiny Chart and its theories, particularly in the aspect of share investing, with the hopes to help to improve one's investment success.
Strong Zi Wei Dou Shu believer and practitioner, yipei, has been a stockbroker for 23 years, her strong passion & determination for stockbroking even made her flew to Omaha in 2008 and 2019 and fulfilled a dream to shake hands with Mr Warren Buffett. yipei got in touch with Zi Wei Dou Shu since 2012, and regularly flew to Hong Kong to do a one to one study under a Hong Kong master whom has 30 years of experience in Zi Wei Dou Shu. yipei's passion with Zi Wei Dou Shu grew stronger and firmer, especially after seeing the direct relationship between one's Zi Wei Dou Shu destiny chart and her investment outcome.
It is yipei's desire to bring this very unknown and yet powerful investing tool to the investment world, knowing that it will benefit all investors, and lead the investment world to a brand new experience and level. We are not here to promote superstitions; we strongly believe that we must always keep a positive and forward looking mindset, always understand and know what we are doing and investing; and use Zi Wei Dou Shu destiny chart to guide us to achieve the wealth, freedom, and Joy we desire.
With 23 years of stockbroking & investing experiences, and 10 years of experiences studying and testing Zi Wei Dou Shu Investing Destiny theories, yipei took the path to become a full-time investor, and flew to Japan on 1 October 2022 to fulfill her life-time dream. After spending amazing joyful 20 months in Japan, experienced true 4 seasons, live with nature, yipei has fulfilled her dream fully. The Zi Wei Dou Shu Investing Destiny desire still deep in her heart, yipei never forget it while living in Joy in Japan. And so, from September 2024, yipei will start to revamp Investing Destiny, asked Universe for guidance, and will do her best to bring Investing Destiny and Universe Joy to people who are ready. Yipei wants to form a kind, honest and positive Investing Destiny community, everyone will work positively towards own dreams & Joy.
Yipei is truly grateful and thankful to the Universe for all the abundance, guidance, inspiration, protection, rainbows, and tons of Joy. Join yipei's amazing journey and feel her Joy @ Instagram or Facebook:
Zi Wei Dou Shu chart
Zhong Zhou Pai Zi Wei Dou Shu 中洲派紫微斗数
Our school of Zi Wei Dou Shu believes that every date and time of birth will generate out three charts, Sky chart, Earth chart and Man chart. Everyone of us only belong to one of the chart. We must go through a process of chart fixing for you, to derive your chart, before we can proceed to explore your destiny.
Investing Destiny Zi Wei Dou Shu & Share Investing
When is the best time to invest in shares? We, as investors, always ask ourselves "should I buy now", "when should I start to invest"?
All investors want to know the answer. Your Zi Wei Dou Shu Investing Destiny chart can give you a guide and direction.
Investing Destiny is the process of studying your Zi Wei Dou Shu's "Self" and "Money" angle, and determine your best investing years and/or months.
Investing Destiny will plot out your three levels of investing luck: 1) Whole life investing destiny 2) 10-year investing destiny 3) yearly investing destiny